According to God, I am His...His Bride, His Beloved, His Princess, His Daughter, His Chosen One.
According to Carter, who sits here as I write, I am "the best mom in the world."
Addison says (with my open-ended, 'what should I write?' question), "I love them [my kids] so much I can't stop...". She's right.
Jimmy would probably say I need to get out of my own way. And he'd be right too.
And as for me, I’d say I'm just like most of us: in and out of a state of "I'm right where I should be" and "What am I supposed to be doing?", mixed with a whole bunch of joy, fear, trepidation, bliss, doubt, temptation, anxiety, security, insecurity...and mostly – HOPE.
I have unrealistic expectations of myself (therefore most others too), high and seemingly unattainable standards, and an insatiable desire to impact the world for the better, starting with my children.
I’m an idealist and spend much of my energy and effort on how things “should be”. (I know, I know…)
Most importantly, I love my mysterious God and all that He sees in me. I am daunted by his Grace, humbled by His presence, and conflicted in what it means to serve Him. I’m growing in Him every day so that, even in my sinful, broken state, I fulfill all - or at least most - of what He has planned for me. All for His Glory.